Some days you just don't feel like writing. That doesn't mean I'm not writing, just its work today- not fun. I updated the Facebook pages, put out an email to the world, updated the website, but it's work today and this blog is supposed to be my relief from work.

I had a great idea for a blog on Monday that was sure to wow the world, but somewhere between a blind dog, a three day weekend  and a return to winter-time temps, I lost it. And now that its Friday and I have to write a blog, I am without an idea and must now work to find one.

Oh sure there's lots to talk about- Gun Control reached a fever pitch this week, North Korea is shaking its saber once again and I have list of companies the size of my arm who have wronged the planet in one way or  another. Politics, religion and weather are always good fodder for the blog, but who wants to hear my two cents about it when there is so many others chattering away about it.

On the CCB front, I wrote a $400,000 application to the DECD this week in the hopes that that might encourage a few people in this State to wake up to the notion that 80% of our kids cant swim and more than that will never get a chance to go boating because they just don't live close to the water, dont have the money or dont even know its there. We also are kicking off a clean up at the old landfill tomorrow where we hope to capture two years of trash and unload a few boats we no longer want to care for. And then there is the battle of the boat house where the State DEEP says we cant have a floating boat house in Connecticut waters because its illegal even though there have been hundreds of them for the last century and they abound all over the Nation. But Connecticut is "special" in that if it moves us forward, has a good purpose and puts a new spin on an old notion, it must be wrong so lets kill it before it grows.

And then there's the personal front. Buxton got stabbed in the eye Sunday and we have been nursing a half-blind dog with a cone of shame all week. Easter was a bust accordingly and since I dont really have a family it made little to no sense to fight that battle. And then there was the scale which tipped up 5 pounds this week after a slew of ham, macaroni salad, deviled eggs and bunny cake, which we just had to make or else it wouldn't have been a holiday at all.

But despite all the bad stuff this week, I did have a positive - I found my great grand parents on Ancestry  and got a boat load of help in finding out where I came from from the Slovak Consulate. I found stuff about my family dating back to 1906 when my Great Grandmother sailed aboard the Carpathia (The boat that rescued the Titanic Survivors) all the way up to 1954 when my aunt had a slumber party and it managed to make the Newspaper- Talk about a busy newsday- Hahaha.

And then there is my latest notion that has become all the rage- Aquaponics- The science of fish farming to create a sustainable produce source. I've had visions of perch-poop fertilized strawberries hanging from my grape arbor all week and barges bedazzled with floating greenhouse dancing in my brain. That would be so very cool and so absolutely revolutionary for feeding the masses that I just have to get on board with the movement - if only I had the money to make it all happen.

So there is a ton to talk about, and even more to blog about this week, but as I said I just dont feel like it. I think rather than write my blog today, I will go outside and turn the compost pile while the sun is out and think a little harder about how to raise the funds to build a floating farm. Anything other then writing today.
