The Best of Sailing TV: SV DELOS

On the first day we looked at the PBS series called The Voyage of Mimi and on day two we looked at the movie "Wind". Both played a huge part on my development as a sailor and made for pretty damn good entertainment if you ask me. Today we will delve into the somewhat emerging world of Internet Video where one creator reigns supreme for quality and quantity but you can't call them new because they have been doing it since 2008.

SV Delos, the Seattle based YouTube stars who have crossed the oceans and sailed into the hearts of millions of faithful YouTube Followers are entirely crowd funded and from all appearances having the time of their lives.

What makes them good is their honesty to the craft and their motivation to inspire others. That's essentially the formula for good TV- entertain, inform, inspire and educate- and they do it all.

I was introduced to them during an episode where they explored man overboard drills. I was looking for a good video to demonstrate what it was to be faced with man over board situations in the open ocean for a class I was teaching to prospective captains. The episode is good, ...  really good.

They film from the perspective of the MOB and also the perceptive of the crew on deck. They add some heart pounding theme music to give it texture and lets just call it what it is, they are beautiful people on beautiful boat in a beautiful place. How can you go wrong?

So many who have come after them have gone wrong.  The product is shoddy, vapid work with lousy writing, crappy footage and a decidedly shallow feel.

Delos is honest about their work and they were first so that gives them points for originality and credibility. But what makes them better than everyone else on YouTube is they aren't trying to be famous or get wealthy, they are just trying to tell their story and have a blast doing it. The fact that they have a crew strait from a J Crew Advertisement makes it that much easier to watch.

Many have and continue to try to recreate the magic that is SV Delos. Even Delos themselves are working to keep the magic happening. Delos Tribers were saddened to learn that their founding crew member Brian, who left a software analyst job to set sail over 10 years ago,  and his new wife and baby have jumped ship to live the strait life leaving his brother Brady and his lady friend to keep the sails flying full. Time will tell if there is enough magic left in the tide to keep the Patreon dollars flowing and the Delos Tribe faithful watching. But whatever happens from here, they have set a high bar for sailing TV.

Remember back in 2008?  We were reeling from a financial meltdown and YouTube was little more than a pile of cat videos and DIY clips. Now YouTube has its own streaming service and more than just a few creators who are making real bank from a cadre of faithful viewers. Delos climbed on this pony before it was a thing and sailed all the way into the history books by making the gamble payoff. You gotta tip your hat to that alone, even if the production value didn't steadily improve (which it did) over the last decade with over 200 videos produced.

Say what you will  because in the internet world, there are as many opinions as there are assholes and maybe even a few more of those. But after a decade at Sea sending back new innovations in sailing adventure TV and creating an empire of worshipers while they did it, SV Delos has earned a place in the Sailing TV record books as one of the best and one of the first. Thank for reading and keep up the good work SVD.


  1. So Brian , Karin and Baby Sierra return home to S/V DELOS around December 12 , A new chapter added to the SAGA of Delos . Papa Delos ⛵️


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