Bernie Sanders "Still Fighting" 2019 - An update to a Sanders painting I posted in 2016 Posted by |
By all accounts, the Hispanic vote and Millennials all turned out for Sanders yesterday in Colorado, Maine, and California, while the Black Vote and Baby Boomers gave new life to the Biden camp in the Carolinas, Virginia, and Texas. Really, the primaries to date are a split decision, but the media would have you believe that Biden, who couldn't win a debate or a contest to save his life until last Saturday, is the heir apparent from a six-day run of success. Sanders has been building a campaign since 2016 and he will never fall quietly in line with Buttigiege or Klobuchar when the music stops playing because this campaign isn't about Bernie, and the music won't stop playing. His followers won't play ball with the establishment Democrats ever, because as Tom Waits puts it, "The Ship is Sinking."
The Democrats have proven they don't care about the issues that clearly the Hispanics and the Millenials care about, despite their calls for a Bigger Tent. Their cry to take things slow and return to the likes of Obama, in lieu of radical ideas like health care for all and a financial life ring for the middle class, shows they have no interest in serving the voters of America. It is those voters who will keep Bernie alive in the coming days ahead and those people who think being force-fed a Biden presidency is a guarantee for four more years of Trump.
Repeating the behavior that put Trump in office in the first place, shows how tragically out of touch the Democratic party is with Middle America. It shows how much we need a Bernie Sanders to give life to a new type of politics in this country before its all over.
We need to return to business as usual as much as we need a hole in the head because life as we know it ended when Trump took over. The world thinks we are a joke, the planet is coming down with coronavirus and most folks would rather punch their neighbor in the face, rather than lend them a cup of sugar. What about that says to you that we need to slow walk progress or go back to the 20 years of politics that lead us to this point?
Even if we wanted to vote for Biden and fall in line with the Democratic establishment, we could not because the stakes are just too high. What did the Establishment do to curb the Fossil Fuel Industry or the Student Loan Industry three years ago? And now returning to that is gonna fix our problems? Just dumping Trump doesn't put us on a track for success. It just gives us a return to the failures we chased before Trump took office.
The polar ice caps were melting three years ago. Health Care was a shit show three years ago. Education was a shit show three years ago. That's why Trump was elected. He was elected to stop the establishment politics that were killing our Nation. But just because he turned into the biggest corrupt P.O.S. this country has ever known, does not change the fact that we were fucked three years ago and we are still fucked. Returning to the behavior that fucked us does not unfuck us if we get Trump out of office. A Biden nominee won't even get rid of Trump. Not only will it reelect Donald Fucking Trump, it will also take our journey in Apolcolypso even farther.
My Friends, fear not, Bernie is not going away any time soon. He is not gonna quit, because the problems he is working to motivate us to solve, aren't going to quit anytime soon either. This is not a campaign to get us back to where we were, this is a campaign to get us to go where we need to go. If we are going to have a Nation to call home in 20 years, we need not only to get rid of Donald Trump. We also need bold and brilliant ideas and a radical break from the usual and customary. Biden, bless his heart, is a big spoonful of "wasn't it great when", and we need a heaping tablespoon full of "holy shit let's get our act together now". So don't take this news that Biden is the DNC savior all of a sudden because he woke up the Baby Boomers and the African American voters on Super Tuesday. We are fighting for a bigger prize than the US Presidency with Bernie Sanders, we are fighting for our future and the fight is just getting started.
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