Pie in the Sky? I'll take a slice

 If Bernie is selling Pie in the sky, 

I'll take the biggest slice I can get. 

Its not that I am unrealistic or delusional. It's just that nothing hard was ever done easily. When the forefathers set this Nation up, they did it in spite of how hard it was to cut ties with England. When Dwight Eisenhower set up the National High Way system, it wasn't because it was easy. And when Lincoln decided that a nation made of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this  Earth, he did it despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young men.

And if its up to the Millions of Bernie voters, we will pay the price of life itself to ensure that our children and grand children get a fair shake in this world.

The Baby Boomers have told us for a generation that its too hard to run a Nation and so we have privatized hundreds of programs that their parents left to provide for them. And the country they have left us is a pale shadow of the country that was left them. Their parents went to the moon, fought a world war and discovered a cure for polio. Our parents have bankrupted dozens of US cities, ushered us to the brink of environmental collapse and sequestered billions of dollars of wealth making it almost impossible get ahead on our own. And Joe Biden is their man who thinks it's "pie in the sky" to have a right to healthcare, a college education and living wage.

So I say again, if Bernie is selling Pie in the Sky, then I will take the biggest slice of hope, ambition and vision I can get. I want to live in a Nation that takes on the hard fights for its citizenry. That says we can do amazing things if we work together. I want live in the USA that beat the Axis despite early appearances that it was an impossible fight to win. I want to live in the Nation that invented public education in a time when most of the world couldn't read. And I want to fight to make a better Nation that once again envisions itself as the shining city on the hill, and not the country that elected a white supremacist, realty TV hotel tycoon as president and puts little Mexican kids in cages.

So Joe Biden, your time has passed, step aside and let us take the helm.
