Hold your nose and vote already!!!

In 2016, a majority of Americans hated their options for President. Crooked Hillary and the Democratic elite convinced the "libtards" of the US, that they had nothing to fear by overlooking the outright criminality that  denied us a chance to vote for the rightful candidate: Bernie Sanders. They said there was no way the bucket of diplorables could put Trump in the White House. Boy were they wrong.

What they didn't bank on, was that enough of the third partiers (like me) were so pissed, that they would vote against their own self-interest and vote for Trump over Hillary or Jill Stein or Gary Johnson over Hillary or anybody else other than Hillary.  I might have even voted for Trump over Hillary, if I didn't have Jill Stein to vote for, because I was so against the Democrat criminals. And here's why: Starting in 1996 with Bill and Hillary Clinton, when they gave us Monica Lewinski and White Water, they have been pulling the strings of power and tell telling the American people that they know what's best for us. This has been happening all the way up through the Obama years and culminated with gaming the 2016 primary, robbing us of the chance to vote for the candidate we wanted because they know best . The Clintonian Democrats think that Government is their God-given right to shove down our throats, while me and the rest of the people who got screwed in 2016,  feel it is the the American voter's God-given right to self determination.

When Bernie backed down in 2016 and allowed Hillary to take the reigns and drive the USA into the ditch, despite the clear understanding that the Dems screwed him and the the US Voter, I thought it was over. At the time I agreed that we should ask the Queen to take the US Back and tell her that the experiment in self government had failed.

And three years and a few months into a Trump presidency, I am thinking we might  very well have to make that call after all. Only problem is, the royals are jumping off their island to come to the New World while Boris Johnson is playing the Hokey Pokie with the EU.  We gotta do something though, because it seems the games are afoot once again this year.

The Democratic Machine in the form of South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn handed the promised votes to Joe Biden on Saturday and (predictably) the US Media in the form of the major Networks, CNN and MSNBC put on the full pageantry, complete with four part harmony, in the last two days to convince us that as goes South Carolina so goes the Nation. Now that Uncle Joe has pulled down his first primary win, or so they would have you believe, Bernie might as well pack it all up and go home.

Do they honestly think, that they can rig the primary again and tell us its in our best interest and expect that they will beat Trump? Somebody needs to explain it to the Democrats in really small words,  you blame the Russians all you want, but  the fact that you rigged the primary last time is the reason why Trump won "

I am told the definition of insanity  is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different outcome. And so by that definition, the Dems are in fact nuts, as are all those people who think that voting for anyone other than Bernie is going to effect a positive change in this Country.

You want four more years of Trump? Vote for Joe or Warren or Bloomberg. Because that is what's gonna happen. Tomorrow there are few major factors that are gonna determine the rest of our lives.

1) The Hispanic Vote is gonna go BIG for Bernie in Cali, Texas, and Colorado.
2) If  The Millennial Vote shows up for the first time in history, it's going for Bernie
3) And if 2016 is any evidence, The Third Party will not vote for anything tied to the Democratic Machine or the Billionaire Class.

So if at the end of tomorrow, Biden miraculously wins the day, then you know it's four more years of Trump and you did it. So do us all favor, and hold your nose while you vote tomorrow and take a leap of faith for Medicare for all, Student Loan Reform, Legal Marijuana and a Nation that looks a little more like modern day Denmark and a little less like 1939 Germany. And that's what a vote for Bernie tomorrow will mean.
