I tuned off the TV news last night in disgust. The anchor on the CBS streaming news channel declared Michigan for Biden mere moments after the contest closed. Sure they had there "exit polling" and I am sure they have a bunch of polling resources at work. But the pronouncement of another Biden landslide seconds after the polls closed, when most will admit that Biden has done next to nothing to campaign in most of the states he has won, has me wondering who is the man behind the curtain?
I can only assume that there is a Democrat Wizard of OZ at play here, pulling the levers and pressing the buttons of the electorate to do his bidding almost on cue. How else could you explain the supposed lock step love the "black vote" has for Biden, so that in every locale from Mississippi to Missouri, Charleston to Detroit, they do the bidding of Clyburn almost in an almost Pavlovian response without a single ounce of organized campaigning on Biden's behalf. What dog whistle calls the African Americans, nearly all the former candidates and an army of Baby Boomers to blindly follow this "Obama rerun" off the cliff to their own personal demise and take the rest of the country with them?
I guess it's the same mechanism at work, herding these sheeple into their Government-filled troughs as it was getting the Evangelical Christians to abandon their God, their bibles and their morals in favor of a pussy-grabbing, foul-mouthed, orange-faced orangutan. This is America in all its robotic self-defeating glory. Love it or leave it, I suppose.
But when I read a post like this one on Facebook, I have to wonder what fresh hell we are in for, when it is an almost certainty that we will be forced to endure four more years of Trump with a Biden nomination.
I can only assume that there is a Democrat Wizard of OZ at play here, pulling the levers and pressing the buttons of the electorate to do his bidding almost on cue. How else could you explain the supposed lock step love the "black vote" has for Biden, so that in every locale from Mississippi to Missouri, Charleston to Detroit, they do the bidding of Clyburn almost in an almost Pavlovian response without a single ounce of organized campaigning on Biden's behalf. What dog whistle calls the African Americans, nearly all the former candidates and an army of Baby Boomers to blindly follow this "Obama rerun" off the cliff to their own personal demise and take the rest of the country with them?
I guess it's the same mechanism at work, herding these sheeple into their Government-filled troughs as it was getting the Evangelical Christians to abandon their God, their bibles and their morals in favor of a pussy-grabbing, foul-mouthed, orange-faced orangutan. This is America in all its robotic self-defeating glory. Love it or leave it, I suppose.
But when I read a post like this one on Facebook, I have to wonder what fresh hell we are in for, when it is an almost certainty that we will be forced to endure four more years of Trump with a Biden nomination.
I am not saying I agree or disagree with this person. I am just saying these people are out there and there are at least 51% of the people who agree with her that Biden is not the guy to take us where we need to be.
If you added up all the "black vote" to all all the Baby Boomers who are voting for Biden. And lets say you add in half the Bernie Vote and all the voters who wanted Buttigieg, Warren, and Klobuchar. Roughly, you would get the same number of voters who voted for Clinton in 2016. Now compare that number the disenfranchised voters who prefer Trump to Biden, the pile of Trumpists who voted last time and want to vote for him again, and the huge number of Bernie Bros who will move to Canada rather than chose between Trump and Biden, and there you have a proven equation to put Trump in the White House for four more years, this time with a vendetta against the Democrats and a the full backing of Russia.
Who knows what happens with the Senate and who cares what happens with the House because as we know, Congress is now a show pony with no power to hold the other two Branches of Government in check. When Trump swears in for his second term, America is dead.
Is Bernie's candidacy D.O.A.? No. But he has to win more than 50% of every State primary from here on in. So the odds don't look good do they?
I am getting my passport renewed and moving my life into a trailer today. I was doing it just because I wanted to set out to see the world. But now I think come November, we will be heading South or North, I'm not sure which. . All I know is that if Biden wins the Nomination, we wont be here come January 2021.
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