What Would Jesus Do if He was Running for President?

Reading an article just now to my wife about why Sanders and Warren should team up, I went on yet another rant about Joe Biden and his insufficiency as a nominee for president. I could have railed about his misogyny for hours or I could have railed about his history on social security for even more time. And I would have had tons of ammo, given Bernie's talking points since last Tuesday. But I stopped myself and read a quote from Warren that I think nails this issue right on the noggin:

"Nominating a man who says we do not need any fundamental change in this country will not meet this moment. Nominating someone who wants to restore the world before Donald Trump, when the status quo has been leaving more and more people behind for decades, is as big a risk for our party and our country." -Elizabeth Warren.

Me bitching about Biden's record, is about as useful as Bernie doing it. And as much as I love the man, he is missing the proverbial ball here and needs to refocus his game in a big way if the Bernie Bus is gonna rumble into Milwaukee with the mandate it needs to win the Nomination.

It's not the economy stupid. Its not the war in Iraq, Afghanistan or Taliban that matters either. What matters is the vision for the world that we put forward as a movement that is going to sway the winds of change. And change is what we need in a big way.

I hate the fact that health care is a nightmare in this nation, but we can bitch about the cost of prescription drugs or reframe the argument about the nature of our Nation. We need a Universal right to health care and as long as we get lost in the weeds about the cost of epi pens, and that shit head who drove the cost up by 5000%, we are missing the point. Pointing fingers at who messed it all up makes us look backwards, and to change the hearts and minds of America we need to sell them a vision of the future, where you can get a prescription at the hospital and not pay a Thousand dollars for an aspirin.

The same applies to Joe Biden.

We don't need to argue about what Joe has done wrong. Half the people don't think he hasn't done anything wrong and the other half think he should be in jail. Getting in the middle of that shit sandwich gets us smelly and puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

Let us instead put a vision of America forward that brings the Trumpists and the Biden camp together. Lets talk about the things we can unite on, and forget the things that divide us.

I read a post on Facebook that said, " Who knew a Jew travelling around the country, offering free healthcare and warning about the dangers of extreme wealth would be so unpopular with "Christians?!"

He seems to have a lot in common with another forward thinking leader who wanted to shake us the status quo, maybe we should be asking ourselves, WWJD?
