To all the Bill Collectors making Calls in this Pandemic- F@#! you

This is an open message to every heartless, dickless, self-interested, un-American, shit-licking bill collector who has made a call to you or me this week or last. Fuck you.

It's not that I am against paying my bills and yes, I was behind before we got into this shit storm. But now that we are in it, with  a rising tide of crap every day, I have to wonder where you get the nerve to call a fellow American and demand payment of some loan or debt, when so many have been laid off, furloughed or otherwise completely screwed by the US economy and this pandemic?

Sure the pandemic killed jobs, but the economy was screwing us well before the first dry cough was heard. And now that we are all neck deep in corona virus, it is just that much more obvious.

Who's calling you I wonder? My Car company and a local creditor have both threatened me with legal action because I haven't made a payment since February. But I have to ask, has anyone been able to pay their bills since February? Have we not all been in the suck since then and well before that?

So how is it that I am supposed to make payments on a loan, when I haven't worked in six weeks and my $44/week unemployment hasn't kicked in yet? Hell, even my tax return is delayed because the IRS is reeling, trying to figure out how to get those famous stimulus checks out to everyone. I am just assuming those checks  will exclude me, because every benefit program since 2008 has somehow missed me. If there is a financial benefit to being in this country, I am missing it, because there is always a double secret exception that seems to apply to me when it comes time to collecting any kind of financial benefit as a US Citizen.

And now that Bernie Sanders is calling it quits, my faith that any kind of hope of relief is in sight has ended. Joe Biden or Trump, it all the same and means even when we get released from house arrest and can breath normally once again, the suck will continue and normal life, which some how always has me a day late and a dollar short, will go back to exactly what it was in February. The environment will go back to unbreathable air and a warming planet, the banks will be as corrupt as ever and the bill collectors will all be calling day and night once again.

So I ask you, you shit-head bill collectors,  while millions of Americans are waiting on unemployment benefits and  have been for far too long, can you please just hold off on the threats and collection calls for a few weeks more, while we wait to find out who in our family is gonna die from corona virus? You'll have all the time you need to make threats and collection calls when life returns to normal and our pitiful existence as low income working Americans goes back to way it was. But just while we can't even go to bar and drink our worries away, could you please refrain from collection calls? That's all I ask. Thanks
